Let's Get Started

If at any point you have questions about anything, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly. And remember- your consent matters. This questionnaire is meant to serve as a baseline for me to see if we’d be a good match for this type of photoshoot, and your general desires for it. Any answers you give here can be changed at ANY time, for ANY reason. If I believe we would be a good match, you’ll hear back from me so we can discuss a consent consultation where we’ll go over exact shots, angles, and inspirations for the both of us.

I look forward to hearing from you!

Phone, email, fb, etc. If you say phone or email, please provide that here. Otherwise so long as your name matches your fb, I will contact you through messenger there.

Personally, I prefer weekdays between 10am-3pm, but I can make later, or weekends work if my schedule allows.

You are not required to have modeling experience, however this gives me an idea of how comfortable in front of the camera you are.

Briefly describe your experience with the kink community

Choose all that apply. Remember- consent can be revoked at any time. Should you say yes now but say no at any time later, your consent will be honored and activity and the shoot will stop.

For example if you get low blood sugar easily, we will make sure to have the proper nutrition ready at the shoot just incase. If you need a wheelchair accessible location we will choose one accordingly, etc.

Choose all that apply. Remember- consent can be revoked at any time. Should you say yes now but say no at any time later, your consent will be honored and activity and the shoot will stop.